Parking on Residential Streets
Parking on residential streets is allowed only on one side of the street; the other is a fire route. Drivers cannot park over sidewalks or block driveways. Please observe these important regulations.
3 a.m. - 5 a.m. Parking
Vehicles are not allowed to park on the street between 3 and 5 a.m. unless a permit is obtained. There are three types of permits:
- 3 Day Maximum Permit - For a 3 Day Maximum Permit, call the Public Safety Desk at 343-2400 to be put on the “permission” list.
- 30 Day Permit - For a 30 Day Permit, visit the Public Safety Department, bring the vehicle registration for the vehicle that will be parked on the street, and ask for a “temporary parking” permit. The permit must be displayed in the front windshield of the vehicle.
- 1 Year Permit - For a 1 Year Permit visit the Public Safety Department to fill out an application. There are certain eligibility requirements. Permits are renewable each November and December. For further information, Send an email or call the Traffic Safety Department at 343-2416.