Peddlers, Vendors, Solicitors
Approaching warm weather brings folks wanting to speak to you regarding their wares and services. Keeping your safety in mind, the City requires any person wishing to engage in the business of peddling, vending, or soliciting to first obtain a license. An applicant must fill out an application, pay a fee, pass a background check, and obtain the approval of the City Council in accordance with Section 10-220 of the City Code.
Licenses issued to vendors or peddlers, such as refuse vendors, ice cream trucks, or fruit and vegetable sales, are issued in the form of a sticker, which must be displayed in a conspicuous place on the vehicle. A licensee without a vehicle must display proof when asked. Licensees may vend or peddle from 9:00 a.m. to dusk or 7:00 p.m., whichever occurs first.
Grosse Pointe Woods’ City Code also provides for a prohibition on soliciting or placement of handbills. Section 14-2 of the City’s Code, Prohibited Where Posted, and Section 10-295, Delivery to Posted Property, prohibits a person from soliciting and delivering or depositing residential handbills at a residence or other building where a sign indicating No Solicitors and/or No Handbills is displayed in a conspicuous location.
The signage cannot exceed three inches by twelve inches with letters one inch or greater in size. Signs are available in the form of a window cling or a doorknob hanger at City Hall for $1.00 each.
Contact the Department of Public Safety at 313 343-2410 as soon as possible when the validity of a roving peddler, vendor, or solicitor is in question.