Probation Department

Probation Sentence

Probation is a period of supervision over an offender, ordered by the court often in lieu of incarceration. While on probation, offenders are expected to maintain law-abiding behavior while maintaining the standard terms of probation such as:

  1. Not violating any criminal law of any unit of government
  2. Not leaving the state without the consent of the court
  3. Make a truthful report to the probation officer as often as required
  4. Notify the court immediately of any changes of address or employment status
  5. Payment in full of any fines, costs and assessments

In addition to the standard terms of probation listed above, the judge may order any combination of additional requirements that includes but is not limited to: Remain employed, participate in an educational or treatment program, community service, refrain from the use of intoxicating substances, random testing, abide by curfew, immobilization of vehicle, and a host of other requirements. The probationer may also be ordered to refrain from contact with victims in Assaultive cases. Each probation order will detail that probationers specific terms of probation. Click Here for a list of frequently used community resources.

Probation Reporting

You must report monthly unless your order of probation states otherwise. You may not miss reporting appointments for any reason. Failure to report will result in a missed appointment and possible probation violation. Please make arrangements with your employer, driver, caretaker, babysitter, etc., so you are available for each appointment. You are expected to report in person following the probation reporting schedule. It is up to each probationer to keep track of when to report. Probation Report forms can be found here


If you are required to test while on probation, it is your responsibility to make sure that you test on the dates/times/locations that was ordered. Missed tests may result in a violation unless you make up the test within 24 hours of the missed test and notify your probation officer. If you are currently on prescribed medications, you must show all prescriptions to the testing agency upon registering for testing and notify your probation officer of all prescriptions and changes to prescriptions. Any positive or dilute* tests will be considered a violation of probation.

Probation Discharges

If you have reached the end of your probation term, having completed all terms of probation and without any pending violations, you will be successfully discharged from probation. You may be eligible for an early discharge of probation if you meet the criteria as listed here. Once you are discharged from probation, your case will be closed and you will receive discharge paperwork in the mail. Keep these documents for your records.

Probation Officer
Julie Brown
(313) 417-0473

When calling your probation officer, call only one time and leave one message with your name, the reason for your call, and a number where you can be reached. The probation officer will return your call at their earliest convenience.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline : 1-800-662-HELP (4357).