GPW Baseball Team - 1939

The Year The Village of Lochmoor became the Village of Grosse Pointe Woods
With little fanfare in March of 1939, the grand old name of Lochmoor gave way to one that would associate the community more closely with its neighbors. The name was Grosse Pointe Woods.
One of the first institutions to be affected was the community's baseball team. The 1939 team took the field proudly wearing attractive new uniforms emblazoned with triangular emblems announcing their new name "GPW"! They played in a league made up of teams from each of the Pointes of which there were now five.
Bill Schmidt, who grew up on Roslyn road, found this picture of the team. It was taken on the Mason Playground. Bill, who played second base, is standing in the second row (eight from the left). He admits that after 61 years, he does not remember the names of any of his teammates.
If you can identify anyone, let the GPW Historical Commission know and they will notify Bill.